
The Absence of War is Not Peace
University of Virginia Global Perspectives on Democracy Charlottesville, Virginia, USA NOVEMBER 4, 2011 I would like to present some thoughts on Conflict, the resolution of conflict and Peace building. These subjects have been dealt with since time immemorial, for human...
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Economic Development, Inclusive Societies and Peace
Justice Palakidnar Memorial Oration Colombo, Sri Lanka JULY 24, 2011 We are all aware of what is meant by Development and Peace, and somewhat familiar with the term inclusive societies. While Development implies many aspects, it involves mainly the action...
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The State and Religion in South Asia
CERI,Paris – June 2011 Secularism implies the relationship between Religion and Politics, more specifically between Religion andthe State.The concept of secularism has drawn its sources from the philosophy that Humans can order their lives and their societies without recourse totranscendent...
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Secularism and the State
Science Po Master of Public Affairs Graduation Paris, France JUNE 10, 2010 Secularism implies the relationship between Religion and Politics, more specifically between Religion and the State. The concept of secularism has drawn its sources from the philosophy that Humans...
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The Role of a Leader in a Developing Country
Rotary International Inaugural Session Cochin, India SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 I am deeply honoured to have been invited to deliver the keynote address at the Rotary Institute, 2009 session. I have had a long association with Rotary and its varied activities,...
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Women & Leadership
Chatham Hall Leaders in Residence Chatham Hall, Chatham, Virginia, USA APRIL 18, 2009 We are going to talk about women in leadership during the next two half days. This is a topic that has been much discussed especially in the...
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Democratic Governance: Unnecessary Evil or Prerequisite for Progress?
Rotary Club of Kandy Annual Meeting Kandy, Sri Lanka MARCH 25, 2009 I wish to present some thoughts to you on Democratic Governance and whether this is an evil that is unnecessary today or whether it is an essential need...
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Appreciation by University Teachers for HR (Jaffna)
MAY 31, 2007 “Many of these questions were dealt with in Arrogance of Power. We summarise the essential points and add a few more. Arrogance of Power could not have been written, but for an exceptionally conducive environment prevailing under...
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Bridging trust and building network of regional co-operation necessary for South Asian development
Rotary South Asia Goodwill Summit New Delhi, India FEBRUARY 12, 2007 Mr. Chairman, Your Excellency, Mr. Gujral and the dignitaries at the Head Table. Your Excellencies and distinguished friends, I wish to express my appreciation to His Excellency Shri I....
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Reflection on Eleven Years as President
Farewell Address to the Nation Colombo, Sri Lanka DECEMBER 2, 2005 Some days ago, after 33 years in service to our country, I laid down the responsibilities of office when the Presidency of Sri Lanka was vested in my successor....
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