
Honesty is a Way of Life
A personal treatise on Governance and Transparency I had very clear thoughts on this subject. I passionately detested dishonesty and still do and always wanted to eliminate corruption wherever I worked. I have sometimes asked myself from where I acquired...
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In a World of Risks: Today’s Threats to International Peace and Security
UN General Assembly: High-Level Thematic Debate on UN, Peace and Security United Nations, New York MAY 10, 2016 Mr. President,Let me take this opportunity to thank you for convening this important Plenary and Ms. Leymah Gbowee and His Excellency Ambassador...
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Secularism and the State
Science Po Master of Public Affairs Graduation Paris, France JUNE 10, 2010 Secularism implies the relationship between Religion and Politics, more specifically between Religion and the State. The concept of secularism has drawn its sources from the philosophy that Humans...
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The Role of a Leader in a Developing Country
Rotary International Inaugural Session Cochin, India SEPTEMBER 18, 2009 I am deeply honoured to have been invited to deliver the keynote address at the Rotary Institute, 2009 session. I have had a long association with Rotary and its varied activities,...
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Democratic Governance: Unnecessary Evil or Prerequisite for Progress?
Rotary Club of Kandy Annual Meeting Kandy, Sri Lanka MARCH 25, 2009 I wish to present some thoughts to you on Democratic Governance and whether this is an evil that is unnecessary today or whether it is an essential need...
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Reflection on Eleven Years as President
Farewell Address to the Nation Colombo, Sri Lanka DECEMBER 2, 2005 Some days ago, after 33 years in service to our country, I laid down the responsibilities of office when the Presidency of Sri Lanka was vested in my successor....
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Government and Citizen Response to the Tsunami
57th Anniversary of Sri Lankan Independence Colombo, Sri Lanka FEBRUARY 4, 2005 Venerable Maha Sangha,Reverend Members of the Clergy,Your Excellencies,Hon. Prime Minister,Hon. Members of Parliament,Distinguished invitees,Fellow citizens, Today we commence the 57th year of Sri Lanka’s Independence at an unusual...
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“We have to act together, if we are to emerge from the ashes of this destruction”
Address to the Nation following the 2004 Tsunami Colombo, Sri Lanka DECEMBER 28, 2004 I address you today at a moment of deep shock and grief for our Nation caused by the most terrible disaster that has struck our country...
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Already Enacted Policies and Action Plans for the Future
Address to the Nation after 60 Days in Office Colombo, Sri Lanka JUNE 12, 2004 The new United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Government has just completed 60 days since assuming office on 10th April 2004. I believe that it is...
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“The enterprise of re-kindling the flickering flames of democracy”
55th Anniversary of Sri Lankan Independence Colombo, Sri Lanka FEBRUARY 4, 2003 Ven. Maha Sangha,Members of the Clergy,Your Excellencies,Hon. Prime Minister / Hon. Members of Parliament,Distinguished Invitees,Fellow citizens, Today, on the 55th Anniversary of the Independence of Sri Lanka, as...
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