
Government and Citizen Response to the Tsunami
57th Anniversary of Sri Lankan Independence Colombo, Sri Lanka FEBRUARY 4, 2005 Venerable Maha Sangha,Reverend Members of the Clergy,Your Excellencies,Hon. Prime Minister,Hon. Members of Parliament,Distinguished invitees,Fellow citizens, Today we commence the 57th year of Sri Lanka’s Independence at an unusual...
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“We have to act together, if we are to emerge from the ashes of this destruction”
Address to the Nation following the 2004 Tsunami Colombo, Sri Lanka DECEMBER 28, 2004 I address you today at a moment of deep shock and grief for our Nation caused by the most terrible disaster that has struck our country...
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Unity and Diversity: Keeping South Asia Together
Hindustan Times Leadership Initiative New Delhi, India NOVEMBER 5, 2004 I consider it my privilege to participate in this most interesting event – The Leadership Initiative, organized by the Hindustan Times Group. I wish to thank Madam Shobhana Bhartia and...
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Peace Lies in Negotiations
Inaugural Meeting of the NACPR Colombo, Sri Lanka OCTOBER 4, 2004 On this important occasion, I would like to thank all of you present here for having accepted my invitation to participate in the National Advisory Council for Peace and...
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Peace and Conflict Resolution through Dialogue
United Nations General Assembly New York, New York, USA SEPTEMBER 21, 2004 Mr. President, I congratulate you on your assumption of the high office of President of the Fifty-Ninth Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations and assure...
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Conflict Resolution and Peace Building: Lessons from Sri Lanka
The Asia Society New York, New York, USA SEPTEMBER 20, 2004 Madam President,Distinguished Guests,Ladies & Gentlemen, My present responsibilities permit me little time for such pleasurable activities as being amongst thinkers and intellectuals like you and the members of the...
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Action against Hunger and Poverty
Meeting on World Leaders ECOSOC Chamber United Nations, New York, USA SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 Mr Chairman, It is a privilege for me to address this distinguished gathering on such a significant occasion as the meeting of world leaders to discuss...
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Building trans-regional co-operation enhances progress and prosperity across individual economies
BIMST-EC Summit Bangkok, Thailand JULY 30, 2004 Mr. Chairman,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen, This is a unique occasion. We, the seven Heads of Government from South and South East Asia meet at this Summit, manifesting our commitment to a regional group initiated...
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Sri Lanka keen to emulate Singapore’s phenomenal success story
Banquet held in honour of the Singapore Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong President's House, Colombo, Sri Lanka JUNE 25, 2004 Your Excellency Goh Chok Tong, Prime Minister of Singapore,Honourable Ministers,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my privilege to extend a warm...
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Apology to the Victims of Black Friday and the Nation
The 21st Anniversary of Black July Colombo, Sri Lanka JUNE 23, 2004 I would like to first welcome all of you here today on this occasion when we commemorate one of the most shameful crimes ever perpetrated on this nation....
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